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Meeting up with SoCal group Sat in San Gregorio (NDweekend)

Cool, I'm thinking of meeting up at that place on the NW corner (Biker 
hangout?) of the hwy84/hwy35 junction.
Probably hang till a little after 3:pm then head over the hill :)


At 09:30 AM 5/6/2002 -0700, John Ringham wrote:

>Hey Randy,
>I'm planning to meet at San Gregorio. I'll try to be at skyline by 3:00.
>At 11:09 PM 5/5/2002 -0700, Randy B wrote:
>>How many guys (gals) are heading out to San Gregorio on Saturday to meet 
>>up with the SoCal group?
>>I was thinking we could all meet up at the intersection of Hwy84(La Honda 
>>Rd)/Hwy35(Skyline Rd.) and cruise over the hill down to the coast as a group.
>>According to Kevin the SoCal group should be in San Gregorio 
>>~3:30-4:00pm, so if we meet up at the above spot around 2:45pm and leave 
>>around 3:pm  we should get there in plenty of time.
>>Anyone else think this is a good idea....any other ideas????
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