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Idle + Warm Start Problems...
--- Jason Jones <jnbjones@boulder.net> wrote:
> Anyway the reason for this post is in reference to an
> idle problem I've
> had since I bought the car a couple of months ago. It is
> fine for the
> first 2-3 minutes, then for about 15 minutes it
> rhythmically hunts
> before stabilizing. Though if I present it with a large
> electrical load
> such as headlights + fan on hi + stereo (with sub) turned
> up loud, it
> will again start hunting. It has never stalled, so I
> wasn't in a HUGE
> hurry to fix it. Except now, seemingly with the warmer
> weather, I am
> having warm/hot start problems. Also, once it does
> start, for a few
> seconds it sounds like it is only firing on one or two
> cylinders and
> then smoothes out and goes into the routine described
> above.
To me, this says that you're losing too much fuel pressure
after shutdown. Common cause is the fuel pressure
accumulator back near the fuel tank.
> I am also
> suspicious of the control pressure regulator as it can
> apparently cause
> both of these problems.
Conceivable, yes. They could in fact be related through
this so it might not hurt to replace it.
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80 S, 81 S, '82, '85, & '88 Sciroccos
'82 Pickup
'90 Passat Wagon
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