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Question on LUMPY idle (was: Lightened Flywheels)
It would take a SERIOUS cam to make your VW 'lumpy'. More likely, it's fuel
mixture that's off.
Pros on lightened flywheel: quicker revving/acceleration
Cons: only the cost of the machine work. It, by itself, will not cause a
lumpy idle.
Larry sandiego16V
> It has what I would call a very "lumpy" idle. It starts on first crank,
> and it is quiet as hell starting. But once idling it tends to sound
> "lumpy" and a little loud. Loud is due to that Eurosport exhaust that
> was put into the thing by the P.O., unfortunately he did not know what
> was done to the engine as he only had it a short time.
> So what causes this LUMPINESS> My first thought was a cam. I did not
realize that a lightened flywheel
> would do this.