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Replacing Parking Brake Cable was: OT: Quantum in school car show
Thanks, I'll check that out tomorrow.
After further checking of the _Ebrake handle. I
believ that my drivers side cable has been borken
since I've had it. The cable has been stretched
before and I also noticed that the cable wasn't
replaced just filled with washers, etc with the screw
in front to make the brake tight also the I am missing
the cover and a different handle has been welded on
from what was the orginal handle. The other cable
looks like the digram from the Bentley and doesn't
moce when being lifted up like the other cable which
continues to go up from lifting(about 90 degrees up
wards) So bascailly I might just redo everything
since I have the money now
--- T Berk <tberk@mindspring.com> wrote:
> Andrew Wong wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> > My Rocco question is I snaped my E-brake cable
> today
> > and I read over the Bently about changing the
> cable,
> > but I would have to remove the rear brake. How
> would
> > I remove the brake with what kind of tools and is
> it
> > safe enought just to put the car in gear and lift
> the
> > car up to check the cable
> >
> > =====
> > -Andrew Wong
> > 1984 Black Scirocco(stock)
> Considering your 84 has rear drum brakes I will
> pontificate in the
> following manner:
> - Replace BOTH cables. You don't want to have to be
> back in there next
> week nor will they both be the same length anymore
> due to stretching
> over time.
> - Rear Drums brakes come off to expose the wheel
> bearings, great time to
> clean and repack with new grease or even replace
> them outright. There
> is more.
> - Rear Drum Brakes have both drums and pads AND a
> bunch of little
> springs and stuff. You might get the drum off and
> find it's well within
> spec and lots of pad left BUT: Replace those springs
> and crap now while
> you have the chance. ATE makes a kit and it has most
> every thing.
> - Rear Drum Brakes have a small piston in there, it
> can be fine but
> might be leaking a little over time. These things
> are cheap (like $15 or
> so) and why not swap them out, good for another 100K
> miles. :])
> - The cable(s) come with a sheath about them, I
> lubbed them on both ends
> with Redline synthetic bearing grease. I found
> getting them stretched
> that 1st time and hooked on both ends to be the
> hardest part, working
> alone as I was. Rear hooked 1st and then vice grips
> on the other end to
> get the second one to the balancing bar and tighten
> the nut down. Grrrr.
> Some of what you are after is in the Bentley/ Haynes
> but there will be
> lots of fun getting the goodies in the back on when
> the other side is a
> mirror reverse. ;])
> Anywho, I hope this helps.
> TBerk
-Andrew Wong
1984 Black Scirocco(stock)
1987 White Quantum wagon (Stock with auto)
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