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How to fix cracks in dash (Was: Re: Cracked dash pictures...)
Ok, for all of you out there that have "small" cracks in your dash, here
is how you can fill them in to stop them. I started working with a buddy
of mine who does interior repair and seen him do this on numerous dashes
with cracks and holes in them.
Fill them with gel-type Super Glue! Smooth the glue out as best as yo
can with a small putty knife, or just wrap some masking tape around your
finger. After it dries, lightly sand it with at least some 200 paper.
After that, you spray some interior dye on it to cover up the white of
the glue. PRESTO! Cracks are gone! YOU will be able to see the repair,
but nobody else will notice it, and it will look a lot better than the
crack. Check out http://www.semproducts.com to find a distributor for
the dye. It just comes in an aerosol can that you spray on. If you
cannot match the color with a pre-mixed color, you can buy a kit with a
bunch of colors and mix your own, using an airbrush or small paint gun
to apply.
good luck!
On Saturday, March 9, 2002, at 10:02 PM, Andrew Wong wrote:
> So thats the meaning of a cracked dash. I have really
> normal dash execpt it has tiny crackes on the heater
> vents that are less than an inch long that being the
> largest crack. I can probably blame the sun in
> Florida for breaking of interior trim in my Quantum,
> but Scirocco thats another story
> --- Dan <danws69@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Dude!
>> Holy shit!
>> I thought the Grand Canyon was in Arizona??!!?
>> Dan
>> Tam-pa, FL
>> '87 16v Scirocco
>> '81 Rabbit Sportruck
>> '00 jEtTa
>> http://home.earthlink.net/~danws69/index.html
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org
>> [mailto:scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of
>> Josh Hignight
>> Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 14:19
>> To: 'scirocco'
>> Subject: Cracked dash pictures...
>> Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a little bit. But
>> still, it's bad!
>> http://communities.msn.com/jblank/dashboard.msnw
>> Joshua Hignight
>> Student Services/Technical Services
>> New Mexico Campus
>> (505) 821-4800
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> =====
> -Andrew Wong
> 1984 Black Scirocco(stock)
> 1987 White Quantum wagon (Stock with auto)
> aw614.topcities.com/1984.htm
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