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Ccar bucking & Stalling... Part Deux!

Jason remind me of additional things it has done at brian's corner street
(at the stop actuall

it stalled 3 times when I tested the front end after doing it... but that
was the only time it actually stalled at a stop sign. Currently the rpm does
drop from what ever speed to 500 and goes back up to 950-975 though, have
not had it stall anymore since that day.

Also the car is missing "gusto" ie: cruising at 70, press on gas, and it
will take alot of time to get up to 80... (especially if on a small hill)
somethign is weird. just can't in my mind put my finger on it.

could itbe fuel system instead of air intake... I checked my boots.. they
seem fine.( but they are 16 years old, so they could be simply colapsing on
themselves mine are quite soft. (thinking of byuing a new part (26$ at
gapa.com total price)

[ A Texan's Scirocco - Patrick Bureau ]
[ 1985 8v Prowler Orange Kamei X1     ]
[ http://www.longcoeur.com/scirocco   ]

=>-----Original Message-----
=>From: Jason Rinne [mailto:rinne_jason@hotmail.com]
=>Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 5:30 PM
=>To: pbureau@attbi.com
=>Subject: Re: [tech question] car bucking
=>I had a VERY similar "bucking" problem with my 83 8V. I replaced many
=>ignition parts and checked and rechecked many other things before
=>giving up
=>and taking it to the shop because I didn't own a fuel pressure
=>guage. Turned
=>out to be the fuel pump. All sounded well, but it was just intermitently
=>dying and would buck upon acceleration in any gear. Had to suck
=>up the $300
=>bill has a useful learning experience!
=>Good luck!
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