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6spd tranny?
Larry wrote:
> How can one engine that makes "more torque everywhere" have a more narrow
> powerband than another?????
> It may be 'peakier', but it ain't 'narrower'.....
> Think about it.
> Larry sandiego16V
Think of a 2D scale: 0 RPM at the left and 10K at the right hand edge.
Now add HP as the vertical measurement. Lets peg it from 0 at the bottom
to about 200 HP at the top.
OK, now we add in the info we have to work with:
> Yeah, the overall levels are higher, but the 8v's seem to be in
> their torque band for 3500 rpm, were as the 16's seem to be in
> their torque band for only 2500 rpm. The locations of the torque
> bands are different, and the values are different, but the width
> of the band is larger for the 8V's, that's all I'm saying.
> Which means that the 6sp might be more suited for the 16v's by
> being able to keep the rpms in that band due to the extra
> intermediate ratio.
> Marc
> Hmm, I thought that the 8v power band was acutally *wider* than
> the 16v, it just starts and ends lower in the rpm range?
> I know that Jason's 1.8 RD (Ed. The RD is a 10:1 motor btw.)
> is on it torque band from about 2K all the way
> through 5.5K, where as Bretts monster was hits its torque band
> around 4K and is done by 6.5K
Visualize the 8v power curve: Diagonal curve until 2k were it flattens
out until it starts to decline in a downward diagonal after 5.5K.
It's horizontal portion lasts about 3.5K worth of RPM but it's vertical
'height' never gets much past 100 HP, maybe 110.
NOW- Lets us away to the 16v and it's higher HP curve: It also starts
out with an upward sloping diagonal, and soon passes the 8v on it's way
to 125 HP or so but it's really flattened off horizontal portion doesn't
get going until around 4K. Before that it is still rising. And after a
quick climb up the revs w/ the throttle it starts to decline after 6.5K.
It's 'duration' of being flat is less than the 8v although it both
reaches higher in HP at peak as well as spends more of it's total time
(flat or not) above the 8v in terms of absolute amounts.
One is flatter for a longer 'distance' (as seen on the graph) and the
other is stronger overall but has a more peaky nature, this peak coming
on higher in the RPMs.
how well have I done painting pictures without ASCII or jpegs?