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OT: Saturn or Saab
In westchester county, NY I too have seen lots
Mercedes but only on I-84 never In Yonkers. In my
area its all the truck and SUV drivers that rule the
road they cut you off they don't use signals and they
driver faster than anyone else. I am going 10 mph
over and still getting passed by those SUVs. There
also the occainal old drivers in Tampa that block
lanes and turn really slow
--- Julie Macfarlane <juliemac57@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Iworked with a guy who put a wing on the rear of the
> car that would lift a
> 747. He traded that in for a Camaro. (Yes he's 19
> and still sprouting pubic
> hair).
> In Weshester County NY, Mercedes rule the road. they
> are bigger, heavier and
> have the money to pay a GOOD lawyer...
> Up here in the boondocks NY, its SUV's and Sport
> Utility Vehicles...
> Julie
> >From: "Erik La Celle" <lacelle@frontiernet.net>
> >To: "List" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> >Subject: OT: Saturn or Saab
> >Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 22:24:05 -0500
> >
> >It seems to me that each auto manufacturer attracts
> a certain type of
> >personality to its vehicles.
> >
> >I find the general pool of Saturn drivers to have
> somewhat of a chip on
> >the shoulder and willing to race anything
> apparently without any
> >knowledge of what they are competing against (for
> example: Porsches and
> >Corvettes are _faster_ than a stock Saturn for any
> of you Saturn owners
> >out there who might happen upon this rant. No,
> really, I'm not
> >kidding!). My old Jetta with 86 hp, maybe 90 with
> the head to tailpipe
> >exhaust, was faster than all of the early ones but
> can get beaten by a
> >new/newer Saturn if the driver is any good. (which
> almost segs in to
> >the question for you all, but I haven't slammed
> Saab drivers yet). One
> >last thing about Saturn drivers: They can look you
> straight in the eye
> >and switch lanes anyway with only 8.5" clearance.
> Why? because that's
> >their exit. They wait until there is no more than
> 42' until the exit
> >and decide it's time to cut over 2 lanes, driving
> on the striped median,
> >narrowly missing the barrier and exiting.
> >
> >Saab drivers? A Saab driver may do the same
> manuever, except for one
> >fundamental difference: they are completely
> unaware of the fact (or
> >worse, don't give the slightest damn) there are
> other people on the
> >road. The only reason they haven't died in a bad
> wreck is 100% reliance
> >on the defensive skills of other drivers and a good
> deal of lady luck.
> >Blinkers, signs, pavement markings and traffic
> lights are of no use to
> >a Saab driver -- a little bit too "pedestrian" for
> their tastes. Let
> >the common folk pay heed, not them.
> >
> >Oh but, interestingly enough, should someone like
> you or I manage to
> >offend one, watch out! They will chase you down to
> Mexico if they have
> >to, to pass you/prove a point/give you the
> finger/whatever. When this
> >happens I smile, because I was able to help a
> fellow driver in a Saab
> >recognize there was at least one other driver on
> the road besides
> >him/herself.
> >
> >OK, so which driver sucks worse?
> >Erik L
> >
> >
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-Andrew Wong
1984 Black Scirocco(stock)
1987 White Quantum wagon (Stock with auto)
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