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Brake line replace
On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Neal Tovsen wrote:
> Thanks for the advice! I've been asking around lately,
> and no one has explained it very clearly yet. Now I
> feel I know what to do...
Hi Neal,
No problem & you are welcome :)
two more tips:
when i say "bend by hand" the best way to do this is to put both hands on
the line like you are gripping a baseball bat, with your thumbs toward
each other, with the thumb tips touching. use one or both thumbs as the
fulcrum to bend, depending on radius (tighter raidus bends are a 1 thumb
job) if you just grab it & bend without the thumb trick, you may kink it,
then its dead & go buy another. they are cheap though, safety is worth it.
Second, i found it was easier to bend 1 line up until i reached where the
coupler went, then bolt the coupler in & continue on. But either way you
dont want to bend the second line until the coupler is bolted in. If its
easier for you to bolt the coupler in before starting to bend, thats your
Thats about all i can think of, its really easy, but be careful as its
brakes we are messing with, and, of course, this is just how I do it, not
telling you what to do, if you kill a busload of nuns when your brakes
fail, its not my fault ;)
take care,
P.S. i'm not gonna type this again, if someone needs to do this later
search the archives, or (hint hint) it might make a nice scirocco.org tech
article as this has been asked a number of times, but i knew i would have
to type for an hour so didnt answer until now.
If you see a mad professor in a minibus, just smile. --James Bond