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look familiar? rant
OK, this I'll agree with. Don't call it your own if it ain't:
"what i mind is people who take pictures off of these sites and try to pass
them off as there own cars! a couple of weeks ago i was warning everyone not
to call or look at a car for sale in the scirocco.org classifieds for this
very reason.
But this, I don't. "This issue was settled"? Maybe it was settled for the
purpose of books and other printed materials, which, by their very nature,
involve some expense by the guy who printed the material in the first place,
which he would probably like to recoup. Since these pictures (generally
speaking) aren't for sale in any way shape or fashion, why do they need to
be protected? ...and from what?
"I believe the pics on the Org site should have a watermark placed on
them, a little line (very, very tiny) at the bottom giving thx for
source and others are supposed to credit sources.
I don't think ANYone should pull pix off of another web site and then
post them on their own site- without permission and Definitely not
without giving credit.
This issue was settled long before the Internet became the Web.
TBerk "
What do you gain by watermarking your pictures? Hey, if you want people to
know that's your car, then put your name on the picture where everyone can
see it. Putting in tiny watermarks sounds like you are preparing for that
big legal case when you get to sue everyone for using your picture. If you
want credit, put your name on there, if you don't, why watermark it at all?
I guess I just don't see what it is that people are trying to hold on to
here, or why.