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Painful decision - '85 reluctantly for sale

My first girlfriend was a bitch, and my first car was
a Pinto. Neither are worth remembering.


'83 Scirocco
'88 Scirocco Slegato

 --- Jorel Jackson <jorel140@yahoo.com> a écrit : >  
This '86 was my first
> > Scirocco
> > (and first car actually), and I've more than once

> Your first car is like your first kiss, your first
> girl friend. I still think of mine, and even have
> dreams where I find someone has kept it up all these
> years and I get to buy it back. 
> =====
> Jorel Jackson
> web site:  http://www.home.earthlink.net/~jomoj/
> 1987 16v & 1985 8v Sciroccos
> 2000 Neon ES
> Jaguar XK 180

Lèche-vitrine ou lèche-écran ?