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motorized sunroof

On 6/3/02 12:51 PM, "Scramjet5@aol.com" <Scramjet5@aol.com> wrote:

> how about the cover for the motor?
> how difficult was it

I used the 5000 cover with the switch and light.

The "adjustments" necessary were to shorten the ends of the sun visors (test
fit the cover and you'll understand) and some metal needs to be removed for
the motor and switch to fit.

Here's a more detailed step-by-step.

1. Get motor and cover with switch and light from junkyard. Keep the
mounting screws.  

2. Connect the motor up to power, and run the motor to make sure it works.
Notice that it has a "stop" position. Leave it in this position to make sure
that the sunroof works well with both the tilt and slide directions.

3. Close sunroof. 

4. Remove stock crank handle, cover, and gears. Also remove the dome light,
keeping the wiring out.

5. Hold motor in position, note that there is a metal reinfocement plate in
the way. You will need to drill out the spot welds that hold it in place
around the motor mounting point, and then "bend-fatigue" the metal to break
it in the rear. This is the point of no return.

6. The motor should now fit relatively well, you may need to trim some more
metal for the motor.

7. The mounting points for the cover don't work, so you'll need to figure
something out. The mounting screw under the light works well, but you'll
need something to anchor the rear of the cover. I used the motor mounting
screws to hold a "bridge" in place, and then I epoxied a "tab" in the cover
to slide into this bridge.

8. At this time, you'll notice that you'll need to remove some metal to give
room for the switch. Do that. You'll also noticed that the light in the
panel needs to be trimmed down to fit. Do that too.

9. Wire up the power for the light and the motor, I used the mounting screw
as the ground, and the same power for the light and the motor. Don't forget
the wires from the door pins. The power wire is fairly thin-gauged (18 or
22), and may be the reason mine is a little slow on the return. If you're
advenurous, pull a new 12 gauge wire down the a-pillar.

10. Notice that the Visors are too long to return to their clips. Remove
them and shorten. I carefully split the vinyl along the seam, and removed
some foam, then bent down the metal wire frame to fit. The hardest part was
gluing the vinyl back to look good, using heat would probably be best.

11. Check the operation. Make sure that the sunroof is closed when the motor
clicks off. If it's not right, then run the motor until closed. Pull off the
cover and release the lever on the motor. Operate the motor until it clicks
off. Engage the lever and repeat check.

Tip: When you're in the junkyard, go to a Scirocco, disassemble the sunroof
crank, and hold the motor in position. This will give you a good idea of
what needs to happen to make it fit.


PS. I CC'd this to the list since others might want to do this too. I can
take some pictures next time I'm down to visit my 85 Scirocco.