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I've had four on mine and they all looked identical.  One 
came without the heat sink, but other than that, they were 
all the same.  My problem was heat-related.  It worked 
fine cold, but failed when it got hot.  Two of the 
failures caused the car to just shut off like I turned the 

Long Beach

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002 12:55:01 -0400
  JoshuaA.Conner@VerizonWireless.com wrote:
>What is the story wth the at least two different ICM's on 
>the 16V sciroccos?
>Mine has the style that is completely enclosed in a metal 
>shield that is a
>complete PITA to get out.  Any one have a good and 
>hopefully factual account
>as too why 2? I heard (of course) their may a performance 
>difference. Also i
>am thinking i have to replace mine b/c of hard starting 
>issuses.  I have
>checked/replaced nearly everything FI and spark wise 
>since it was on the
>list way back in the winter months.
>Joshua Conner
>Verizon Wireless
>Dublin Customer Care
>ext. 6165
>Scirocco-l mailing list