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worst day of my life
DO NOT TELL ME that the car that was just sideswipped was the one you were
just trying to sell!!!!!! IF so, I'd be out for BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! If not,
then cool. Anyway, glad no one was hurt and hope you find work soon! Oh,
and roll up those windows (too bad it didn't get broken into--hee hee hee
hee (evil laugh))!! Let me know if you need anything to either fix the car
or something. I even know where there are more sciroccos available if it
comes to that, I'd even come down to help you out!! Always looking for an
excuse to go to Portland!
> today was the worst day of my life, i woke up and
> realized i left the window of my company vehicle open,
> and i had to sit on a wet seet, went to work and got
> laid off. came home and took my little girl, for a
> ride in the scirocco and got side swiped, my car is
> totaly destroyed, she doesnt run any
> more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> thanks
> breandan
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