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John Erickson wrote:
> Are you sure its fuel? I can think of several ignition problems that might
> give you the same symptoms (old wires, plugs, tired coil, ICM).
> John
> At 10:42 PM 7/27/2002 -0400, Shayrock@aol.com wrote:
> >I'm wondering if anyone might know whats causing the hesitation in my 88
> >16v. It idles fine never stalls but seems to lean out
> >periodically. There's no particular time this happens, ie. hot,cold,under
> >heavy load or just cruising. I thought for sure it was the O2 sensor but
> >that hasn't helped.
> > Any clues or input will be greatly appreciated.
I'd always think this type of thing was electrical vs fuel.
Do you have the ground strap from the block to the fire wall intact?
- References:
- hesitation
- From: ranahan@charter.net (John Erickson)