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Julie's impression of WF2002 (long)

Julie wrote:

> The A2 & A3 folk? Trashed the hotel. Furniture and broken glass in the
> broke in to the pool storage shed and dumped the chemicals in.

That's some SERIOUS bullshit.  I posted this to the Waterfest forum at
VWVortex under the title "Waterfest SHAME!".  Nothing like this has ever
occurred up at ND, in fact we were invited back with open arms by the
Santa Clara Marriott this year, an upscale joint that gives us a killer
group rate for the show.  You east coast guys will be lucky to have
anywhere to stay next year as the word will no doubt spread far and wide
about this debacle.

Kevin Collins
Huntington Beach, CA
'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
'02 GTI 337