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wrenches in my fenders...
rhys wrote:
> well, as i was tightening up my tail light nuts today...i feel something slip from my hand and head a nice solid "clunk".
> i pull my hand out to see that there is no wrench between my thumb and index finger.
> a stream of obscenities then followed.
> i cant think of any way to actually get the bastard out, as i somewhere lost my magnetic screw retriever. i actually think i lost it trying to retreive a door panel screw up front...
> *sigh* any ideas?
> rhys
> 84 wolfie (now sporting one striped tail and a new rattle)
Weak magnet on a string, strong magnet on a string but wrapped in enough
tape to keep it from sticking to the walls more than the wrench.
Or study the ancient style of mechanics' art : Monkey Hand.