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my car just got alot louder
- Subject: my car just got alot louder
- From: vwscir88@hotmail.com (psycho 16v)
- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 20:39:18 -0400
not in a rocco, but my lil' bros audi coupe gt blew off everything from the
cat back, almost in one complete piece! of course his exhaust didn't
survive, it promptly got run over by me, who was following a lil' to
closely. is your muffler salvagable?
>From: breandan mcilwain <irisheet@yahoo.com>
>To: scirocco list <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Subject: my car just got alot louder
>Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:18:15 -0700 (PDT)
>this is a funny story that i had to share with the
>list. yesturday i had the roc out for a little
>cruise, fist time i have had her out in about a month
>or so. and i was going down the highway going way over
>the posted speed limit lets just say it was in the
>triple digits. all the sudden the car gets really
>loud and i cant hear a thing. i check my rear view
>mirror and i see this thing tumbling down the highway.
> i didnt know what to do, so i went straight home and
>got in the passat and went to go see what it was, i
>found my muffler laying on the road!!!!! i blew the
>stinking thing off!!! i have never seen this before,
>anyone else have any experience with this before? btw
>this was a tt muffler.
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