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male/female -

Julie Macfarlane wrote:
> > > Alfa Romeo GT
> > > Mmmm, Sexy. It's the Fem counterpart to my Mk1's Male.
> > > TBerk
> > >
> >From: "Larry" <rocco16v@netzero.com>
> >ref TB's comment on Scirocco gender:
> >  MkI = male.  MkII = female.
> >  Just my opinion.
> >
> >Larry  sandiego16V (MkII)
> >
> >---------
> >
> Jeeze you guys. Its amazing some of you have children!
> 1) The free flowing, smooth lines of the MKI are definately female.
> 2) The harder, sharper lines of the MKII are definately male.
> 3) Females start progenisis lines.
> (As with humans. We can track down Eve, but where is Adam?)
> Julie

Well, I must admit I consider the Mk1 to have sharper lines and more
angular shapes than the melted Mk2, but at the same time If I don't
compare my Scirocco to an Alfa I think of it like a ship at sea: Female.
Most of the time anyway.

As for your three points above, it seems #1 & #2 are reversed. (Where is
Doug Toulie when we need him?)

btw- My son was concieved in the normal manner and is doing well,
thankyouverymuch. I will refraine from crossing the TMI line.

More to the point it seems the Mk1 is a nimble mountain got, the Mk2 is
more like a boulevarder, cruiser type mobile. Either of these aspects
could be male or female.

Oh, oh- Julie? The originating progenetor is actually the original
Dasher. _That_ is Eve. 

8P  <-- (that's me sticking my tounge out.)

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As my present I ask you do someone a kindness.