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- From: little_Goblin@gmx.de (Steffen Becker)
- Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 22:21:05 +0200 (MEST)
Hi Listers,
itīs me Steffen. Today I want say any words about me and my ebay auction
(16V EURO exhaust cam).
I sell around 2 years parts (VW / BMW / MERKUR / MERCEDES) and in that time
I have never ripped anyting off. I have never change my email address and
everyone get a answer if he ask me about parts or if I buy parts for him on the
german ebay.
All my parts that I have sold and sell are in a good condition and I think I
sell all for a good price. A lot of listers have buy parts from me and I
dont know anyone of the cool guys that he have a problem with me and my parts.
In the past it gave a lot of guys from Germany that have sell parts and ripped
a lot of listers and americans of. But Dirk, I and one or two other germans
have never done these. We are all vw freaks and love our cars and want help
other guys with her cars and look for parts.
Now to the auction!!
I have only list a VW 16V EURO EXHAUST CAM. I dont have write that the cam
is better or make the car faster or give you car more hp. The only what I
have write is that the cam came out of an 1,8l 16V KR EURO engine and that are
all facts.
Why I have write KR?
Because it gives two typ of engines PL and KR and the cam came out of an KR
Why I have write EURO?
Because it give european sciroccos and US sciroccos and my cam is from a
european model and not from a US model.
Why I have write 139 hp?
Because it give engines with 129 hp and 139 hp and not everyone know if he
have a KR engine or a PL, but he know how many hp his car have.
Why I have start the auction?
Because I have had an intake and an exhaust cam and sell the intake any
weeks ago and then I still have only the exhaust left and I have think that
anyone on world need the exhaust cam. I have start with US$1 and not with US$100.
Ask your vw deaership for a price for a exhaust cam and then you know that
US$1 + shipping is a good price. Also I have put in the cam on the US ebay,
because that is the greatest ebay side on the world and not only americans look
on the side. Please think that not everyone life in the near of a junkyard
and can look if the junkyard have a cam for sale or have a scirocco left. I
sell not only different parts to the us model, then not everyone need
performence parts that make the car faster. It is no good to think that all europeans
that sell on ebay parts that these parts give you car more power. If you
dont know if the part its better as yours then ask the seller!!! He know it or
can ask a vw dealer and say you the answer.
Why $40 for shipping?
That is not my price that is the price that the post office want from me for
shipping. The cam have around 4 Kg and that have cost in the past US$35, but
the changing rate was better (I have get more euros for one us$). Now for
one US$ i get only one EURO or less. Thats why the shipping cost US$40. Please
go on the USPS side and look what it will cost a cam to send from the USA to
That was what I want say about me and my auction. Sorry for the long text
and the not so good english.
One point is missing: I have closed the auction!!!! Is that the right way
for a world wide trading???
Best regards
Steffen Becker
Magdebrug, GERMANY
Scirocco 16V KR
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