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Whose rocco does "La Cucaracha?"
All my 8v Scirocco makes is annoying buzzing noise.
So I accidently broke the E-brake one and I try to
stop the door one also. I think my QUantum has that
sound. I need to find the relay so I can buy one like
it to sound better
--- Marko Latrell <jamal_latrell@angelfire.com> wrote:
> When I turn the ignition in my Rocc, those little
> tones chime out. My Dad always kids me that they
> sound like the "La Cucaracha" song. Do they all do
> this? Or just the later year roccs?
> ---
> 87 Scirocco 8v
> 84 GTi
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-Andrew Wong
1984 Black Scirocco
1987 White Quantum wagon
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