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problems with the a1's
I have a hard time believing that the structural damage was due to the hard
braking. The MK2 Scirocco has had the structural problem and, as far as I
know, one of the only drawbacks to owning the MK2 compared to the MK1 or
Rabbit. As far as the brakes are concerned in general, as for the size and
weight of the vehicle, these little cars come overbraked from the factory so
I am assumming that any problems you may be having are due to a lack of
preventative maintenance or something just deciding to break at that time.
Which, actually makes sense, because regular tapping the break or coming to
a stop light is not going to test the limits of any braking system. HTH!!
> now, mind you, this is in regards to the a1 chassis, not people named
> al. anwyay....
> i was wondering if other people have had problems or have heard of
> problems with the a1 chassis and hard braking. normally i wouldn't ask,
> but this has happened twice to me and now i'm beginning to wonder. keep
> in mind that both car have over 200k on them. in my '86 w/ power
> steering, i had to stop hard to avoid the lady driving her bmw which, as
> everyone knows, had the right-of-way regardless of lane, speed, or use
> of turn signals. steering what severly effected. ended up balding a set
> of tires (1/3 life left anyway). ended up finding that the control arm
> member had cracked up by the body. since repair it's been in the shop
> awaiting paint so i've not had a chance to drive it. also, the rack had
> only 65k on it or so.
> the other day in my '84 (no power steering) i had to do the same thing
> (bmw lady's mother driving a taurus or some other p.o.s.). again
> steering was severly effected. got home and looked for structural
> damage. nothing found. problems continue to persist. i should be noted
> that both times the steering wheel turned about 15° and the cars (both)
> pulled to the right. we came out of a find food drive-thru and heard a
> hard metallic snap. steering wheel was popped back into place, but the
> car still pulls to the right. i've even adjusted the right tie rod end
> out about 3/4" and though the wheels appear straight, the car still
> pulls to the right, albeit not as bad. i'm thinking the problem is the
> rack this time.
> oh well, sorry for the blather. just wondering if anyone else has
> experienced this phenomenon. i'm thinking the stress bars on the 16v's
> would help prevent it, but i don't know. i.just..don't...know.
> --
> /\_/\ Foxx (in a box)
> < o o > http://foxx.tripod.com
> \ /
> °
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