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The car is possessed!
--- Julie Macfarlane <juliemac57@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >From: Daun Yeagley <vwdaun@yahoo.com>
> >I need to get this problem solved as I plan to
> transplant
> >this engine / wiring etc into an '81 'rocco later this
> >spring.
> Is this the one for MY car? Ohhh you are a sweetheart!
Sorry Julie, 'twould be going into Kevin Wenzel's ex-'81 S,
which has been sitting in my barn since LAST Cincy not
getting anything done. Hopefully I'll have some progress
made by this Cincy.... depends partially on how quickly
I get pieces of 16v back from Brett. :)
Daun Yeagley - Wilmington Ohio
'80, '85, & '88 Sciroccos
'82 Pickup
'90 Passat Wagon
"Never joke, taunt or dangle what might be seen as a challenge in front of the powers that be. The universe is listening." - Lane Wallace
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