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[Mk1] AARRGGHH!!!! HELP! Wierd electrical problem

I was at the video store tonight, and when came out I saw that my 
Battery and Cat light were on on my dash....even though the car was 
locked and the keys in my hand.  They normally come on when I turn the 
key 'on', then shut off after the car is running.  But there they were, 
both on for no reason.  I started it up, they went off.  Drove home, 
turned the key off, lights came on, but more dim this time.  Started it 
up, lights went off, turned the key off, and the engine stayed running!! 
 Pulled the key out, engine shut off, dash lights came on.
Do I have a short somewhere?  The more I think about it, I'm thinking 
bad key switch.....
I'll be checking mail again in the morning, so any help, quick, would be 

'81 (sick)
'84 (loud)