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How to get into Scirocco.org chat with MIRC
I usually do stuff from the command line so here goes... Once you have
mIRC open you will get a status window that is open. In that window
type the following /server scirocco.dhs.org & hit enter. You should
see something like this
*** Connecting to scirocco.dhs.org (6667)
Welcome to the Internet Relay Chat network,
Your host is scirocco.dhs.org, running version 1.8.4-SEC
scirocco.dhs.org CR1.8.4-SEC oiwsabjgrchytxkmnpeAEGFSLMRTX
WATCH=128 SAFELIST TUNL FLG=wEsek,5 ConferenceRoom by WebMaster
There are 4 users and 6 invisible on 2 servers
1 channels formed
I have 7 clients and 1 servers
Once that is completed you then type /j #scirocco and you're in! BTW,
when you initially start mIRC you may be required to enter in a name and
nickname. HTH...
Lime Green 79
ICQ #76283458