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My speeding ticket (long)

you've got the right idea already, never admit guilt, change the first date,
calibrate speedo.....AND, if he shows up, make sure he provides proof that
HIS unit was calibrated within your states guidelines. In Florida, they're
supposed to calibrate every so many DAYS.

Good Luck!

Tam-pa, FL
'87 16v Scirocco
'81 Rabbit Sportruck
'00 Jetta

-----Original Message-----
From: scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org
[mailto:scirocco-l-admin@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Jorel Jackson
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 09:38
To: volkswagen scirocco
Subject: My speeding ticket (long)

Well, I just got one of those speeding tickets in my
16V. I was northbound and the state trooper was south
bound. The posted speed limit was 65 and I was doing
70. I saw him and let up on the gas. As we drew even
he came across the grassy median with his lights
flashing. Honestly I thought he was going to ram me!

He walks up and asks me if I'm in a hurry and how fast
was I going. I forgot my no-talk rule and said I was
somewhere between 65-70. He told me I was doing 79.
"No way," said I. He then goes back to the car and
writes up the ticket, gives it to me and I drive off.

About two minutes down the road I see he is on my
tail. My speedo says about 62. He motors up along side
and starts talking through his PA. Tells me to slow
down or get another ticket. I drop down to 60, and he
says I'm still too fast. Finally at an overly sedate
55 he breaks off and goes south again.

I was thinking somthing is wrong with my speedo. So I
perform a simple test. I get back up to an indicated
speed of 60 and start timing myself between mile
markers. At that speed it should take me one minute to
travel between two mile markers. It turned out I was
consistently close to 60 seceonds on each test. My
speedo is good. I have to fight this one.

My first strategy is to change to court date and hope
the officer never shows up. Then maybe I'll say I was
speeding, just not as fast as claimed. If I can get
them to less than 75, this won't go on my record for
the state of MN. Any other advice for my defense would
be greatly appreciated.

Jorel Jackson
web site:  http://geocities.com/jorel140/index.html
1987 16v & 1985 8v Sciroccos
2000 Neon ES
Jaguar XK 180

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