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DOH! speeding ticket, question about radar detection

DOH! enjoying a newly layed out stretchs of asphalt on a back road of
suunnyvale, and cruising at 50 (zoned at 35) I turn the last curve
and cross path with a sheriff driving opposite direction... he lights up and
pulls me over... ticket issued for 50mph in a 35 zone.
I deserve it but I have a technical question.

since when a moving vehicule mounted with a radar detector system can clock
an incoming car on the road? I was under the impression they had to be
immobile to ensure that the reading is correctly read on a speeding

damn now I will have to take defensive driving course to get out of this
one.. hhehehehe

[ A Texan's Scirocco - Patrick Bureau ]
[ 1985 8v Prowler Orange Kamei X1     ]
[ http://www.longcoeur.com/scirocco   ]