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A1 called Mk1 in the Rest of the WORLD?was:Wambach/Convertiblere-inforcements
"Scott F. Williams" wrote:
> >Quote: "North America uses the A1 designation, while the rest of the
> >world uses Mk1..."
> Whose quote is that? The factory uses the alphanumeric chassis designations
> for sure. It is the English that brought us the "Mark" vocabulary to
> distinguish between generations of vehicles. WWII millitary aircraft were
> described this way. I dunno about other types of vehicles...
> --
> Scott F. Williams
I got it from Ron's referral:
> Maybe this will help?
> <http://www.geocities.com/wolfgangthetalkingvw>
> =====
> Cheapass Ron
> '87 Scirocco 16'Victor'
Nice site otherwise.
And yeah, I remember it's the UK boys who started all that Mk1 = A1
stuff, now that they have polluted the idea it's rampant on things like
the vwVortex, etc.
Hence the Argh! feeling.