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scared to remove freeze plug...
--- Robbie Cotner <robw_z@yahoo.com> wrote: >
> Hey all, I finally got a block heater, and plan on putting it in the
> center freeze plug hole on my '83 8v. Problem is, I have a phobia of
> removing freeze plugs! How do you remove them? Can the plug fall
> into the block on these engines? Has anybody done this with the
> engine in the car, how much of a bitch is it and how long did it
> take? Thanks-
> Rob
I haven't taken out a VW frost plug yet, but I tear down american V8's
all day at work... The best way to remove those is to use a punch
(about 3/16" diameter at tip, angled). Place the punch on a lip of the
plug and drive it down until you can just see into the block on the
side that you're driving down (be careful not to score the surface)
The opposite side should still be sitting where it was.
|| punch
| | plug
Now wedge the punch in the opposite side at the bottom of the plug,
with the angle of the punch sitting flat on the bottom, and the shaft
of the punch resting on the block. Now tap the punch down toward the
block with a hammer. This should force the plug upwards and out.
|/_ |
Now if it happens to fall into the block don't panic. Usually you can
fish it towards the hole, and then clamp a vise grip on the lip of the
plug. Use the same principle as with the punch to force it out of the
hole. (rest the curved "backside" of the vise grip on the block)
Hope this technique will work for you... I haven't had the chance to
tear down a watercooled VW block at work yet, but I'm about to
completely rebuild one of my blocks during the slow Christmas season.
I guess no one has money left over after gift buying to put into their
80 S
81 S
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