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OT: spin recovery

Loss of control could have many meanings... was it ice in a corner?  Did she hit ice then fishtail for a while first?  Each situation is different, but in countersteering an OVERsteer situation (fishtail) in a FWD car like a Neon, no brakes should be applied - it just makes it harder for the car to regain balance (because it shifts weight to the already overloaded front end).  

Truth be told, there was probably nothing she could do - ice is much worse than snow for any kind of recovery.

> From: Jorel Jackson <jorel140@yahoo.com>
> Date: 2002/12/15 Sun AM 09:52:56 EST
> To: volkswagen scirocco <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Subject: OT: spin recovery
> My wife recently crashed her Neon into a ditch. The
> momentum carried her through swampy area. She cut a
> swath through these cattails and received about $4k of
> damage to her Neon. She came out shaken, but otherwise
> all right. This happened because she hit a patch of
> ice and lost control. After it was over she asked what
> she should have done. I told her to press down firmly
> on the ABS brakes and steer where she wanted to go,
> hopefully away from that steep ditch. She told others
> this, and they said I was wrong. They had no other
> remedy, except to stay off those brakes. Was I wrong? 
> =====
> Jorel Jackson
> web site:  http://www.home.earthlink.net/~jomoj/
> 1987 16V Scirocco
> 2000 Neon ES
> Ranger XLT
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