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joy and thanks

Yup, that Rick, he's the man. He's helped me out on a few occassions and will let me use his powdercoating equipment in a few weeks. His family is very hospitible as well, though it seems they must be used to all sorts of people showing up to have car work done at his place. I only wish I was around the east coast for longer, I'd have a pretty kick-ass car with his help and a lot more knowledge than I have now. He's always willing to answer questions, offer his input and his time. A big hip-hip-hooray to Rick!


P.S.- Too bad he's having such problems with staying on the list.

--- ternil@union.edu wrote:
>My 87 8v rolled out of Rick's garage today a completely different beastie then 
>when it went in on Friday. Gone are the amazing rattles and squeaks from having 
>fried motor mounts (the front was basically ripped in half, with the others in 
>about the same condition) Gone is the clutch slip (a new clutch and 16v 
>pressure plate) gone are most of the leaks (with a new valve cover seal and all 
>new tranny seals and a hole in one of the CV joints fixed. Gone is the rough 
>idle (with replacement injector seals) lighted is the instrument cluster that 
>has been out since august. And uncracked tail lights to finish out the package. 
>All in all, I have never been happier with my scirocco. I wanted to extend the 
>greatest thanks to Rick Alexander, again, for putting up with my beast and me 
>with great humor and wonderful generosity. Now perhaps we can think about go 
>fast parts :). 
>87 8v -back on the road in full effect
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