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Flashing Coolant Light
Allyn wrote:
> you may have had the bubble all along, just now your coolant has gone down enough for the bubble to
> be significant. the 'drill a couple of tine holes in the thermostat' and the 'fill the system from
> the upper hose' trick seem to fare pretty well. i did the thermostat trick, and when i fill the
> system i do the following procedure:
> - fill as much as possible at reservoir (i dont do the hose yanking tricks).
Keep in mind some (early) cars Don't use the external overflow tank, our
radiators have the built in end cap reservoir instead. Pulling the top
hose and filling via the block as a 1st procedure is a very good thing.
> - start engine.
> - rev to 2500 rpm from under hood. you will notice a level drop, keep topping off reservoir. you
> will notice bubbles coming from the overflow line. eventually this will turn into a stream of water
> (a good thing). keep topping/reving. eventually you get to the point where letting off the throttle
> makes the reservoir overflow. stop topping at this point and throw the cap on.
> - the above should only take a minute or two. you dont want to start boiling water with that running
> engine.
> Al
Thought #2: The two small holes drilled in the plate of the thermostat
work great for a number of reasons, including letting trapped air get by
(old OEM units had a hole with a mashed rivet in the hole to limit flow)
and making for a more responsive thermo as it gets hot water passed by
it sooner, letting it get working and not waiting for the coolant temp
to work it's way there via convection.
I am still looking for a bio-hazard sticker for the Roc; Radiation is
so, like 1950 and stuff. 8P