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Sold Re: FS:80 Scirocco S

--- Kareem <6keb1@qlink.queensu.ca> wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Kervin wrote:
> > They need to tell you, but I'll give you a hint.  It's going to
> have a
> > cold life north of the border.
> Cool...especially if Ontario bound.
> another Mk1 S to look for on the streets! They are getting very rare
> in
> these parts. Hey, the cold winters will may actually slow down the
> rusting process!! (I am assuming the owner won't commit the
> blasphemy of turning it into a winter beater).
> Kareem
> 1981 S, 1988 16v

My name is Mark, and I'm a MK1-a-holic...

A huge thanks to Kervin for the awesome deal on what looks to be a
solid project car with some nice upgrades.  It's not running at the
moment so it might be easier to just swap in my newly swapped 2.0 ABA
from the hurtin' MK1.  I'll decide after I've picked it up...

And to alay any fears that I will be driving this car in the winter, I
solomely swear, on a stack of Bentleys (I have 2, so it's a stack) that
this car will only see snow from a garage window.

My present 81 S will perform the role of winter beater for now (I know,
I know it's a MK1, but it's really beyond help - years of upstate NY
winters have really taken their toll on it).  Most of the MK1's in
Canada have suffered the same fate.  Even when I bought my first MK1
over 10 years ago it was the only one in the Auto Trader.  Last year I
ended up settling on my 81 because there just weren't any around (and I
hadn't stumbled upon this great email list yet...)

Now all I gotta figure out is how I'm going to tow it up here... :-)

81 S ABA/JH/4K - soon to have a sibling to be jealous of...

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