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Things to read on the Type R Crapper (VW content here, trust me)
- Subject: Things to read on the Type R Crapper (VW content here, trust me)
- From: juliemac57@hotmail.com (Julie Macfarlane)
- Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 10:59:59 +0000
I have both! The one for the Bugs is even funnier. The drawings are great
and very easy to under stand.The back ground of my web site is one of those
Those books are from another era though. I learned a lot from them.
>From: Nate Mellom <bronson@inwave.com>
>To: Mardak <maardak@yahoo.ca>
>CC: Marc scirocco Québec <marc_scirocco@yahoo.ca>, scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: Things to read on the Type R Crapper (VW content here, trust me)
>Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 02:45:15 -0500
>Poor Richards How to keep your Rabbit alive, versions 1&2 make even
>better potty room reading than Bentley.
>Much more entertaining!!
>Case in point:
> "In ancient England, there lived a lazy, languid lad, a trainee
>insurgentunder the ferocious leader King Bosch. His name was Ian Ject.
>Young Ian was so lazy and uninspired that he was unable to stand
>upright on teh parade bog; let much, I might add, to the annoyance of
>his leader.
> King Bosch was always shouting at him "Fool, stand up! Fool,
>Atten....shun! Fool, Ian Ject...Shun!! The name stuck.
> One day during an encounter with another hostile band of Britians,
>the Strolling Rones, I think they were called, young Fool decided to
>hot-rod his steed by forcing food down it's throat. He became the hero
>of the battle of the bands. Soon there was a whole platoon of
>food-injected horses.
> Of course, history credits King Bosch for the Bosch Fuel Injection
>System, but know you know the real truth."
>Case in point 2:
>As seen in the index:
>"Rabbit Fever: See Tularemia"
>"Tularemia: See Rabbit Fever"
>They are also hella good reference manuals.
>Scirocco-l mailing list
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