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[OT: was Re: electrical problem -now mice]
- Subject: [OT: was Re: electrical problem -now mice]
- From: losinit@usa.net (Cathy Boyko)
- Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:43:08 -0400
Cmr446@cs.com wrote:
vwscir88@hotmail.com writes:
<< >
>You said that the car had been in the garage for 6 months so I'd recomm=
>that you look for evidence of some four legged friends and don't even t=
>they can't get inside and nest above the fuse box.
> >>
Speaking of nasty little rodents from hell, =
Okay, if you are weak kneed, delete now...
Well, the grossest point in my automotive experience ( besides the rotten=
turnip under the seat of my brother's mini, that was "special") was the m=
in the ventilation system of my half ton pickup, they'd get in, had nothi=
ng to
eat and couldn't get out, so when you'd turn on the fan you'd get this fo=
smelling shower of dry mouse fur, really disgusting. Fortunately my body =
rigged some deal with the insurance company, it got cleaned, disinfected,=
screened off on their dime. It still smells vaguely of mice and disinfect=
The only good thing insurance has ever done for me. Mice are a pain.