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OT: was Re: electrical problem
vwscir88@hotmail.com writes:
<< >
>You said that the car had been in the garage for 6 months so I'd recommend
>that you look for evidence of some four legged friends and don't even think
>they can't get inside and nest above the fuse box.
> >>
Speaking of nasty little rodents from hell, in '96 I had the pleasure
of chasing field mice around the engine bay of a Ferrari 456. The owner had
brought it in because it wouldn't start. The little monsters had crawled on
top of the engine and under a cover. This covered the wiring harness that ran
to the fuel injectors and engine sensors and apparently thr mice thought the
insulation made great bedding material! They didn't want to give up their new
home easily as I and another tech were having to flush them out from all
sorts of places around the motor and grabbing them up with needle nose
pliers. We also found where one mouse had chewed through a gromet on the
firewall and made his way inside. Our guess was it didn't like Italian
leather since none of the seats and trim had been chewed on, but we found a
pile of foam from either a seat cushion or panel. We left a chunk of rat
poison for him.
Less than a month later after the owner moved to California, a Ferrari
dealership called us to ask us about the dead mice in the car...and the