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Thanks for constantly ignoring my question...

No you didn't  :P
I asked if aftermarket seats and brackets made for a corrado would sit lower
in a scirocco than scirocco aftermarket seats and brackets. (Okay, the seats
are the same, only the brackets change, if that). 
In any case, I needed a seat and hopefully got things taken care of. If my
head hits the roof still, then screw it. I'll find a saw and welder.

Joshua Hignight
Student Services/Technical Services
New Mexico Campus
(505) 821-4800

<I believe *I* answered your question. If you failed to read and
<understand my reply, here is the short attention span version.
<"Corrado seats fit and sit lower than stock scirocco seats."
<I hate when people dont read my replies. Why do I bother? Probably wont
<read this one either. GEEZ!