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Today's adventures with customs
At 08:58 PM 4/2/2002, Mardak wrote:
>What's with all the "ooot"s? Watching too much South Park? :)
A complete joke that had me hilariously laughing as I wrote it. If you
don't know me (and my affinity for accents), the humor may have been
lost... No offense to anyone, I actually love the Toronto accent. More
than just the "out" stuff, Canadians speak with a beautiful rhythm that is
painfully missing from most American speech.
>Seriously though, no one in southern Ontario talks like that! North of
>Toronto you start to hear the "Canadian" accent, but around here we
>sound like any other red blooded American, except for the odd "eh"
>added in for effect...
I beg to differ. Big time. :)
I drive 200m past the Peace Bridge and can hear the accent as clear as
day. Accents are all relative -- so if you're from Southern Ontario, you
generally won't hear an accent unless it's thicker than yours. (Or is
different). Believe me -- (and as a native New Yawka, I'm allowed to say
this), go to Manhattan and ask about the way they tawlk in
Brooklyn... They'll likely insist they have no accent at all -- despite
the fact that you could hear it from a mile away. The reason why is
because it's not as thick of an accent as Brooklyn. (Generally speaking here).
So Mark, chances are you say "out" with a little bit of the classic accent
thrown in; and your spoken rhythm is probably very different from
Americans. It may not be thick, but I'll betcha it's there. :)