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Heater Blower question?
Well, been there, only 3rd speed, have changed the switch, but nothing...
Took a look at the resistor, was bad... Just take a trip at junkyard, find a
Rabbit, test the resistor on place and that was it... A 15 minutes tech, but
now I got 1st and 2nd speed... Just test your resistor with a multimeter,
never seen a blower motor gone bad, often it's that crappy ceramic piece, a
good thing, 'cause changing the motor is a real PITA...
>I would have guessed the resistor first. How tough is it? Well, it's
>a PITA, especially if you have big hands and a bad back. Lotsa scrapes
>and cuts and bending over and twisting. But, certainly doable. I did
>the blower and resistor together; don't know if the resistor is
>replaceable separately. Once you get the blower/resistor out, just
>some clipping and soldering. But getting it out...under the pass side
>for access to nuts, under the driver's side to access the connector,
>bend, fiddle, fuss, curse...normal stuff.
>--- HowlingMonkey16v@aol.com wrote:
> > I have officially gotten tired of having only 3rd speed on my heater
> > and I
> > want to fix it. I have tried changing the switch but that didn't
> > work. I have
> > been told by my friend that it could be the resistor, but I figure I
> > would
> > get some other suggestions before changing it. Also is it anything
> > hard to
> > change? From the looks of what the Bentley says it seems really easy
> > being
> > that it is right under the rain tray (he told me it was in the dash
> > somewhere, but he is thinking of a GTI I think) Anyway any
> > suggestions
> > appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > Randy
> > 87' 2.0L Rocco
> > "Special Broke Ass Ghetto Edition"
> >
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