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My Machinist shafted me!!!

Here I was all happy and shitt that my engine was done and ready to be 
installed- I posted my little happy happy joy joy messages and guess 

My friggin Machinist didnt do A DAMN THING to my head.   But he didnt 
forget to charge me.   Oh my friends, that is not all..... He charged me 
for ARP head bolts that wer'nt used, He used bolts throughout the head 
with washers that will not work and need to be replaced, He DIDNT EVEN 
HOT TANK THE DAMN HEAD!There's more- but you pretty much get the drift. 
this TURD took 6 months to do what???   NOTHING but the bottom end and 
charged me for it. Now- Ive incured costs to evaluate the situation- and 
Im having to get Momentum do the ALL the work that needs doing to make 
this engine done. so Ive essentially more than doubled my costs to build 
this engine. So much for HP-$ ratio here!

Im betting Im gonna have to take this guy to court- and even then it's 
tough to get blood from a stone (or a turd in this case).   SCHITTT!!!!!

Any attorneys on this list?   i can use some advice on proceedings.

Hope you all have a better day than im having (considerably better)!

Thanks for letting me vent a bit.

Mike Blain