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RE: [OT] read.

That makes me think about my ride home this afternoon.  Sitting at a
stoplight near Andrews Air Force Base, two fighter jets screamed away
at a good rate - even over the rattle of my diesel and the thumping
car stereos around me, the sound was deafening and spine-chilling. 
As a friend who is a retired but active Naval reserve pilot put it -
"the sound of freedom".

May freedom ring.  

> From: 	Josh[deady]Able [mailto:mkii@nycap.rr.com] 
> Sent:	Wednesday, September 12, 2001 2:06 PM
> To:	scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Subject:	[OT] read.
> This was posted on the Vortex, I thought you guys might like it
> also.
> "I went home to take my daughter to lunch as her school is closed
> today. We
> were about 2 minutes from our house, in the suburbs of the nation's
> capitol,
> and approaching a stop sign. Waiting at the sign was a biker on his
> Harley;
> he was looking up into the sky. Knowing that all planes are still
> grounded,
> my first thought was that a military aircraft was overhead. I
> opened the
> sunroof of my Jetta and looked up, as did my daughter. We didn't
> see
> anything.
> I brought the car to a stop a little behind him and to the side as
> he was
> making a left and I was making a right. He looked at us and pointed
> into the
> sky to indicate that whatever he had been looking at was still
> there. My
> daughter didn't know exactly what it was at first. I knew.
> Floating and circling against the pure blue sky it was alone.
> Silent in the
> sky void of the usual jumbo jets that had roared into and out of
> Dulles
> airport yesterday and every day before, it seemed almost surreal.
> The 3/4
> moon hung hazily behind it in the afternoon blue. It looked
> majestic, proud,
> confident. We stood on our seats to watch it and I looked back to
> the biker.
> He had been looking up the whole time as well. He looked back at
> me, offered
> the Peace sign then gunned his throttle and roared away. We stayed
> to watch
> for another couple of minutes in silence and then I told my
> daughter what it
> was and what I thought it meant.
> We saw a Bald Eagle today. "


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