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Re: Bedding in your new brakes - Mintex specific
MINTEX may have a different philosophy but for carbon metallic pads
(Performance Friction, Hawk and so forth) - they recommend that new
pads be bedded with OLD rotors and vice versa. This is b/c the old
pads (or rotors) are more agressive than shiny new parts which allows
faster and more thorough bedding.
The rest of the directions sound normal although I usually like to
run the car at 7/10ths and use a firm pedal when slowing for the
turns - after 2-3 laps, the brakes (which normally come pre-bedded)
are fully conditioned for road racing.
--- T Berk <tberk@mindspring.com> wrote:
> (Pinched from ND's web site.)
> MINTEX Brake Pad Installation Bedding In Procedures
> Metallic pads such as Mintex require a bedding-in which, when done
> correctly, eliminates problems that may be encountered when
> installing
> high quality performance pads.
> First, it is important to inform the customer that metallic pads
> should
> not be installed on a vehicle with worn rotors. A soft, organic pad
> will
> conform to the grooves in a worn rotor while a metallic pad will
> not. It
> is therefore essential to either replace or turn rotors when
> installing
> Mintex brake pads.
> After installing Mintex pads they should be bedded-in to insure
> top performance.
> - Accelerate to approximately 40 M.P.H. and apply the brakes with
> moderate pedal pressure.
> - Slow to approximately 5 M.P.H.
> - Repeat this procedure 10 times allowing 1/3 of a mile between
> stops.
> - Do NOT attempt to bed-in pads by driving the vehicle with the
> brakes
> constantly applied. This will damage pads and result in decreased
> performance.
> ===================================================
> So, is this true for all brake pads?
> Would this help our freind Randy with his smoked rotors?
> Do you really care anyway or is this just a waste of bandwidth?
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