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Re: speaking of new VW's
--- Dan Bubb <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> Sciroccos were never "affordable." They always cost
> alot more than other
> cars thought to be in their class. $5000 in '76 when
> you could pick up a
> new Accord or Celica for $4000. Of course, if you
> actually drove a
> Scirocco there was no contest and the extra money
> was worth.
> But, No!, Sciroccos were never competitively priced
> against their
> perceived competition which is why they (and the
> Corrado) are no longer
> available.
> Dan
Corrado's were in a much higher price class than
Sciroccos. That said, while they were higher than the
(inferior) competition of the day, they could run with
much more expensive cars of the day (few cars could
match the Scirocco's motor and handling).
I think the Scirocco 16V was a great value, I could
have driven a 1988 Scirocco 16V off the showroom floor
for about $12,000 in '88 - show me another car from
that era at that price that had similar properties . .
Mark Peele
1985 Scirocco, 1982 Scirocco, 1981 Scirocco, 1978 Scirocco, 1987 Golf GT
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