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Re: Corrado seats in mk1 Scirocco/GTI?
--- Neal Tovsen <sixteen.volt@verizon.net> wrote:
> I found someone who is interested in my Corrado G60
> seats. His intention is
> to put them into a Rabbit GTI, and is wondering
> about the fit. Any actual
> experiences? I'm hoping someone can say yes or no
> without having to yank
> them from the car and do a test-fit in my '77
> Scirocco.
> I seem to remember people saying they fit fine.
> Surprisingly enough, a
> search of the archives only turned up one post from
> Meze who says they fit
> in his mk2. Having just welded an '85 floor pan into
> my '77, I can vouch
> that the actual seat rails are a little different
> from mk1 to mk2, but look
> like they'd fit the same seats...
Scirocco 2 center rails are taller than the Scirocco 1
- otherwise, the tracks are identical. This means you
can put a Scirocco 2 (or A2) seat in a Scirocco 1, but
you cannot put a Scirocco 1 seat in a Scirocco 2.
I have no freakin' idea why VW did this, but it pissed
me off when I tried to put my old Scirocco S seats in
my '82 . . .
Mark Peele
1985 Scirocco, 1982 Scirocco, 1981 Scirocco, 1978 Scirocco, 1987 Golf GT
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