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RE: sequential shift transmission conversion!
What I meant was engine braking by downshifting, not simply downshifting,
ie. bring the revs way up as you let the clutch out. That is bad.
Downshifting to stay in the power zone and rev matching is fine.
My opinion anyway.
1987 16V Scirocco
>From: "Fry, Larry" <LEF@chem-tronics.com>
>To: Brad Sayer <vwrocco85@hotmail.com>, pbureau@home.com,
>soltwede@privateI.com, ubik@austin.rr.com
>CC: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: RE: sequential shift transmission conversion!
>Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 12:22:13 -0700
>If you match revs during the downshift, clutch wear will be negligible.
>It's not always easy to do this, however, so some additional clutch wear is
>to be expected. Understanding how long these clutches last, it's probably
>not a concern.
> I'm with you, I'd rather replace brake components...
>Larry sandiego16V (wait a minute...I thought I was done??!!)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Brad Sayer [mailto:vwrocco85@hotmail.com]
>Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:15 PM
>To: pbureau@home.com; soltwede@privateI.com; ubik@austin.rr.com
>Cc: Fry, Larry; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: RE: sequential shift transmission conversion!
>I always thought the common consensus (among someone, I don't know who) was
>that downshifting was hard on the clutch. Basically if you downshift
>through every gear as you slow you are doubling the amount of shifting you
>would do otherwise. So, it would reason that your clutch would last a lot
>less time. And for people not doing thier own clutch jobs that alot more
>expensive then new pads more often.
>1987 16V Scirocco
> >From: "Patrick Bureau" <patricdlc@hotmail.com>
> >Reply-To: pbureau@home.com
> >To: soltwede@privateI.com, ubik@austin.rr.com
> >CC: LEF@chem-tronics.com, scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> >Subject: RE: sequential shift transmission conversion!
> >Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 12:23:41 -0500
> >
> >Agreed downshifting is not bad for the engine, unless you rev it pass 5K
> >(grin).. I do it all the time, and my break pad last 5 years.
> >
> > ___ ___________
> > / |/_ __/ ___/ A Texan's Scirocco 1985 8v
> > / /| | / / \__ \ http://www.longcoeur.com/scirocco
> >/ ___ |/ / ___/ / (AIM) patricdlc, (ICQ) 32918816
> >/_/ |_/_/ /____/
> >
> >
> >
> >----Original Message Follows----
> >From: Night Shadow <soltwede@privateI.com>
> >To: "L. M. Lloyd" <ubik@austin.rr.com>
> >CC: "Fry, Larry" <LEF@chem-tronics.com>, "'Scirocco List'"
> ><scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> >Subject: RE: sequential shift transmission conversion!
> >Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 11:03:39 -0600 (MDT)
> >
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > > The concept seems really interesting to me, but my question (having
> > > never used one) is if you are cruising in 5th, and have to come to a
> > > stop, do you have to ratchet it down four times, and will it kick
> > > into reverse if you ratchet it down five times instead of four? If
> > > so, that sounds like a real PITA.
> >
> >From reading the instructions on the site, I would say it is impossible
> >accidently go into reverse. You have to pull up on a ring and downshift
> >from 1st to get Reverse. And yes, I am sure you would have to click down
> >through the gears....I usually do this anyway on my stick cars...some
> >people think engine braking is bad...I have done it since day one with
> >ill effects...clutches last the same, brake pads last longer.
> >
> >Eric
> >
> >
> >
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