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Geriatric report/Dyno day aftermath
Hi Jim! ;) Thought I'd let you know I just BROKE your old person's record for
slow half suspension installation, took me more like four hours for just the
back! (I'm really REALLY slow, where's the BenGay? I'm sore!)
Great to meet ALL you folks, and what a super day, nice weather, super cars!
Got back home just fine, they didn't even look at the coilovers at Customs,
just the bill. But they were checking US plated car trunks BEFORE the Peace
bridge; they let me right through (us Canadians are so trustworthy)
Hope Daun made it home okay, such a long drive, great to FINALLY meet you, and
Julie too, about time we got together (it could be dangerous tho) Don't feel
bad about that number Julie, Brett only has you by 100 or so...We'll see how
his is when his reaches 320,000 eh?
Awesome cars guys (and gal), see ya all next year. Cathy
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