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Re: IM COMING HOME !!!!!!!
- To: "chuck blue" <sukchew@cox-internet.com>, "Patrick Bureau" <pbureau@home.com>
- Subject: Re: IM COMING HOME !!!!!!!
- From: "dale witt" <dwitt1@satx.rr.com>
- Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 19:33:47 -0600
- Cc: "_scirocco List" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>, "Unphucwitable@Hotmail. Com" <unphucwitable@hotmail.com>, "Tpiwonka@ttacs. ttu. edu" <Tpiwonka@ttacs.ttu.edu>, "Tomc@Satx. Rr. Com" <tomc@satx.rr.com>, "Scirocco16v_1986@Yahoo. Com" <scirocco16v_1986@yahoo.com>, "Scirocco_2@Hotmail. Com" <scirocco_2@hotmail.com>, "L. M. Lloyd" <ubik@austin.rr.com>, "Kd5ceu@Juno. Com" <kd5ceu@juno.com>, "John Erickson" <hombre@elp.rr.com>, "Jggullion@Aol. Com" <jggullion@aol.com>, "Jasmussen@Satx. Rr. Com" <jasmussen@satx.rr.com>, "Greddy_78040@Yahoo. Com" <greddy_78040@yahoo.com>, "Gcurl4866@Yahoo. Com" <gcurl4866@yahoo.com>, "Deerezign@Aol. Com" <deerezign@aol.com>, "Bryan_Andrew@Msn. Com" <bryan_andrew@msn.com>, "Brian Wagner" <scirocco_88_16v@hotmail.com>, "Big_Hot_Tamale@Yahoo. Com" <big_hot_tamale@yahoo.com>, "Benwood1@Airmail. Net" <benwood1@airmail.net>, "Double360dunk@Netzero. Net" <double360dunk@netzero.net>, "Nasmussen@Satx. Rr. Com" <nasmussen@satx.rr.com>
- References: <IMEFLDBMPFPMMJFDCODDMELICBAA.pbureau@home.com> <3C06D77B.4927DD2B@cox-internet.com>
- Sender: owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Feb 17th looks good for me.........for the "2nd Unofficial" Texas Rocs GTG.
The first one was in Arlington at Brian Wagners house.....a day before the
Ennis show and the day Chuck won a plaque at that show and made us all
----- Original Message -----
From: "chuck blue" <sukchew@cox-internet.com>
To: "Patrick Bureau" <pbureau@home.com>
Cc: "_scirocco List" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>; "Unphucwitable@Hotmail. Com"
<unphucwitable@hotmail.com>; "Tpiwonka@ttacs. ttu. edu"
<Tpiwonka@ttacs.ttu.edu>; "Tomc@Satx. Rr. Com" <tomc@satx.rr.com>;
"Scirocco16v_1986@Yahoo. Com" <scirocco16v_1986@yahoo.com>;
"Scirocco_2@Hotmail. Com" <scirocco_2@hotmail.com>; "L. M. Lloyd"
<ubik@austin.rr.com>; "Kd5ceu@Juno. Com" <kd5ceu@juno.com>; "John Erickson"
<hombre@elp.rr.com>; "Jggullion@Aol. Com" <jggullion@aol.com>;
"Jasmussen@Satx. Rr. Com" <jasmussen@satx.rr.com>; "Greddy_78040@Yahoo. Com"
<greddy_78040@yahoo.com>; "Gcurl4866@Yahoo. Com" <gcurl4866@yahoo.com>;
"Dwitt1@Satx. Rr. Com" <dwitt1@satx.rr.com>; "Deerezign@Aol. Com"
<deerezign@aol.com>; "Bryan_Andrew@Msn. Com" <bryan_andrew@msn.com>; "Brian
Wagner" <scirocco_88_16v@hotmail.com>; "Big_Hot_Tamale@Yahoo. Com"
<big_hot_tamale@yahoo.com>; "Benwood1@Airmail. Net" <benwood1@airmail.net>;
"Double360dunk@Netzero. Net" <double360dunk@netzero.net>; "Nasmussen@Satx.
Rr. Com" <nasmussen@satx.rr.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: IM COMING HOME !!!!!!!
> Welcome Home, I think .We haven't met but I'm sure that will happen in the
> future. I think that the first unofficial GTG May be the East Tx Scirocco
> cruise.This is the first info . The tentative date is Feb 17.The original
> thought was to travel to Pittsburg and view the Ezekiel Air ship.The
> route turned out to be to many miles so We will have to work out another
> trip.Put on your thinking caps and let me know how many miles you would be
> willing to travel from Athens.I will try to lay out a trip that will be
> cross country. It is far enough in advance that we can be very flexable
> where we cruise to.We could meet at the Texas fresh water fishery for a
> then cruise from there. There is no entry fee, prizes, classes or anything
> else.This is Just a group of Rocco owners out showing off the machines.
> input would me welcome. There will be more details as they are worked out.
> Later,Chuck blue
> Patrick Bureau wrote:
> > Alright,
> >
> > The INS has given my Visa, I am headed back home to dallas.
> > I know this is short notice but I leave Saturday DEC 1rst 2001 @ 5AM.
> >
> > Route planned is as follow :
> > Montreal(5am-saturday) - Kingston(8am) - Toronto(11am) -
Hamilton(noon) -
> > Buffalo(1pm) (Custom Crossing) - Rochester (8am-sunday)- ( JIM ?? )-
Erie -
> > Columbus -(Noon) (Daun's House)-(8am-Monday) Cincinnati - Louisville -
> > Nashville - Memphis - Little Rock - Texarkanna - Dallas(Monday Night
> > 8-10pm).
> >
> > Planned stopped : Buffalo/Rochester , Columbus/Cincinnati (Daun's House)
> > Memphis/Little Rock
> >
> > None set in stone aside from Daun's that confirmed it today.]
> >
> > Daun: please send me directiions to your place coming south bound on
> > from columbus towards cincinnati thank you, Call the boys and girls
> > tell them to head to your house for this weekend. Let's get a nice big
> > sessions going...
> > maybe do my water pump hehehe..
> >
> > Jim Jarret got your ears on? if I get no reply from you, I'll just make
> > way straight to Daun's Place. from Buffalo
> >
> > Texas Rocco Contigency : Guys, whats the next event in DFW? Sing me up,
> > a spot for the rocco, whatever the cost Ill be there ... I'm Coming home
> > !!!!! Brian, Get the beer, humm nice bock beer...its been 10 months
> > a drop...!
> >
> > ___ ___________
> > / |/_ __/ ___/ A Texan's Scirocco 1985 8v
> > / /| | / / \__ \ http://www.longcoeur.com/scirocco
> > / ___ |/ / ___/ / (AIM) patricdlc, (ICQ) 32918816
> > /_/ |_/_/ /____/
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