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Re: Neuspeed supercharger THE FACTS!!!!
On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 13:48:01 -0800 "Dave Ewing" <rabbit16v@prodigy.net>
>I thought the same thing this is why I added the quote at the end. I
>have really enjoyed this magazine since it's premier issue but, again, I
>need to take even their information with a grain of salt. I guess the
>reliable information is the information gained yourself through
experience eh?
>Too bad!!
Ive found the mag pretty much sucks. Its oriented towards sponsors more
than it is to us enthusiasts. Their tech articles read like an
infomercial and the project's are nothing more than a "what can I get for
free from this vendor this month..." . its quite sad compared to how they
once were. Remember Peter Wu? haven't heard a thing from him since his
poor attempt at a project Scirocco scam. At least Velocity got alot of
press. I heard he was at the ND show but I don't recall him introducing
himself to anyone there. Reason why not? I think so.
>P.S. Why did I get THREE copies of your email Meze?
I dunno, why do I get repeat messages from a week ago? Sometimes I get 5
messages from the same post. The list rules.
Shawn Méze
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