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Re: [What the hell was I thinking? Damn that VW marketing machine.]
The A4 VW's are nice, but too heavy and dealer dependant unless you buy a 200$
homebrew diagnostic tool. <snip>
Yeah, but I'm keeping mine anyway, good for the salt, and I actually like it.
I don't know many honda owners that have had such excessive out of service
time on an otherwise new vehicle,...
Not a Honda, but how's 7 1/2 weeks sound just to figure out who's paying for
the new tranny on a vehicle with 35,000 kms? (it exploded, the first astute
service guy noted that it had no gear oil in it, ya think the hole I can put
my fist into may have had something to do with that?) Its a 2001 Chrysler (I
know, I know, my hubby's thing, he's had four and two had good trannies), but
what about the concept of quick and fair resolution? Now we have the 10 day
wait for the parts to come in and the joy of paying half under their "good
will" policy. And has anyone ever once mentioned that it may be a huge
inconvenience to be without our brand new vehicle for two months? Yeah, right.
I'd rather deal with my VW dealer personally. But it sucks to be treated badly
when you are still making the big payments.
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