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RE: quick poll - MoMo knobs
Rich, calling your old shifter "cut-down" would be an understatement;)
I think a miata has a longer throw. IIRC, It was basically a shift knob
right on top of the shifter plate, or at least pretty close:)
With a normal cut-down shifter (~2-4") and short shift even at 50% it
shouldnt be overly notchy, and would be less so with a weighted rod. And
for you guys with the 5th gear throw problem, a short shift will make that
much easier to reach, cut-down lever or not.
Eric Person
86.5 16v
At 04:08 PM 11/14/01 -0500, Richard Deede wrote:
>Im pretty sure a miata has a different shifter setup than out sciroccos so
>it very may have felt really nice. I just know that on Sciroccos, it is
>*very* notchy when cut down and using a short shifter. Give it a try and the
>worst thing that happens is you take the short shifter back out. Not a hard
>-88 Scirocco 1.8t
>-00 GTI VR6 - SOLD
>-88 Scirocco 2.0 16v - R.I.P.
>-87 Scirocco 16v - R.I.P.
>>From: "Dan Snow" <danws@tampabay.rr.com>
>>Reply-To: <danws@tampabay.rr.com>
>>To: "'Richard Deede'" <rdeede@hotmail.com>
>>Subject: RE: quick poll - MoMo knobs
>>Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:49:43 -0500
>>I drove a friend's Miata with a short shift kit and the throw was so slight
>>you didn't even have to move your arm to shift through the whole range of
>>I JUST ordered a TT short shift kit, but I really like the stubby-ness of
>>existing shifter.
>>So you're saying I'm screwed?
>>'81 Rabbit Sportruck
>>'87 16v Scirocco
>>'00 Jetta
>>Tam-pa, FL
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Richard Deede [mailto:rdeede@hotmail.com]
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 15:44
>>To: danws@tampabay.rr.com; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>>Cc: jtoomasson@yahoo.com
>>Subject: RE: quick poll - MoMo knobs
>>I had a short shifter and cut down shifter on my last rocco and while it
>>very short it was also extrememly tough to drive 'quickly'. The throws were
>>too stiff and notchy and I had to frequently jam it to get in to gear. And
>>this was not due because I needed my shift linkage replaced as that was all
>>brand new.
>>My scirocco now has a short shift kit on it but the stifter stalk itself is
>>still at stock height and it feels like a perfect balance. I can shift
>>quickly and precisely...I can put up with the dorky looking truck shifter
>>for better quality gear changing.
>>-88 Scirocco 1.8t
>>-00 GTI VR6 - SOLD
>>-88 Scirocco 2.0 16v - R.I.P.
>>-87 Scirocco 16v - R.I.P.
>> >From: "Dan Snow" <danws@tampabay.rr.com>
>> >Reply-To: <danws@tampabay.rr.com>
>> >To: "roc \(E-mail\)" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>> >CC: "'Jeff Toomasson'" <jtoomasson@yahoo.com>
>> >Subject: RE: quick poll - MoMo knobs
>> >Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:35:01 -0500
>> >
>> >I've got a momo knob on mine. The PO also cut the shaft.
>> >too short? no.
>> >
>> >I like it. In fact, I'm getting a TT short shift kit soon, so I'm going
>> >be happier than a pig in shift heaven.
>> >
>> >Dan
>> >'81 Rabbit Sportruck
>> >'87 16v Scirocco
>> >'00 Jetta
>> >Tam-pa, FL
>> >http://home.earthlink.net/~danws69/index.html
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>> >[mailto:owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Jeff Toomasson
>> >Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 15:22
>> >To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>> >Subject: quick poll - MoMo knobs
>> >
>> >
>> >Looking at buying the short anatomic because it seems
>> >to be the closest to stock, but worried it could be
>> >too short...All opinions, tall/short/other
>> >MoMo/Non-MoMo welcome.
>> >
>> >Thanks in advance, JT
>> >
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